Should you update your website copy? 5 signs it's time for a refresh

Your website is more than just your business’s online home. It’s your always-on brand ambassador and often your first point of contact with potential clients. That’s why it’s essential that your website copy (AKA the words you’re using on your website) is up-to-date and compelling: it can be the difference between your dream client sticking around or clicking away.

When it’s doing its job right, your website copy should be the all-in-one equivalent of a charming greeter and burly bouncer for your brand: drawing future dream clients in, effortlessly showing off the very best of who you are, and generating solid leads and sales… all while turning away anyone who isn’t the right fit for where you want your business to go.

But what about when it’s not working? If you’ve got a sneaking suspicion your website copy is doing less relationship-building and more dozing on the side of the room, it’s time to take a closer look at where things are going wrong and what you can do to fix them.

In this post, let’s step through 5 signs your website copy isn’t working like it should, as well as some of the fixes to consider. If any of these ring true, it may be time to revisit your website words and give them a tune-up.

infographic listing the 5 signs you need to refresh your website copy

Your audience or services have changed (or are just unclear)

Whether it’s a clear pivot or a slower evolution, your business probably isn’t the same as it was a few years ago. Maybe you’ve refined your offerings, or your target market has narrowed or shifted. Or maybe you want that to happen but aren’t sure how to talk about it! While these changes can signal an exciting step forward in your business, if you don’t communicate them clearly, you run the risk of confusing existing or potential clients.

On the other hand, perhaps your audience or services haven’t changed all that dramatically, but you get the same questions over and over again. If you find yourself constantly clarifying the nature of your services, whether someone is the right fit for what you offer, or the processes involved, refreshing your website copy to provide more detail or updated information is probably a good idea (and will save you a ton of back and forth!).

In either case, the challenge here is one of clarity: confidently communicating your brand’s message, telling potential clients how and why they should choose you over your competition, and creating an overall experience that feels easy and gets them excited to move forward with you.

Potential fixes:

Update your brand messaging:

Before you start writing website copy, you may need to step back and refine your brand’s overall message. Can you clearly say what you do, why you do it, who it’s for, and how it’ll help them? This is essential in resonating with your audience and setting yourself apart from your competition.

Clarify your product or service offering

Does your website clearly explain your offer and how people can work with you? Your checklist here: point to the problem your product or service solves, paint a clear picture of what is included and how it works, and proactively address any concerns, questions, or hesitations that might be holding them back.

Lay out your process

Transparency is critical, and clients want to know what to expect before they take the next step. Clearly outline the steps a client needs to take to start working with you and how things will go once the project is underway. This builds trust and sets expectations right from the get-go.

Document your answers to common questions

Anticipate your clients’ queries and provide them with a well-thought-out FAQ section. This smooths out your sales process and proves that you understand and care about their concerns.

Showcase your portfolio or case studies:

Update your portfolio with recent work and case studies that highlight the quality and results you deliver. This demonstrates your expertise and gives potential clients a glimpse into the experience of working with you.

You’re not getting enough traffic, inquiries, or conversions

Think of your website as a window shopping experience. If footfall is sparse or people merely glance at the window display without stepping in, you have a traffic problem. Alternatively, you may have a steady stream of visitors, but they either stick their head in the door and then turn around and leave again (high bounce rates), or stay and browse but never buy (low conversion rates).

All of these are signs that your website copy isn’t capturing or engaging your audience like it should: bringing them through the door, helping them find something that interests them, and making it easy for them to take the next step.

Potential fixes:

Map out your traffic flow

Think about how you want visitors to move through your website. Where do they start, and what do you want them to do next? Optimizing your copy and layout to guide customers through each step seamlessly will give them a more enjoyable experience… and increase the likelihood that they convert.

Revamp your calls to action (CTAs)

Your CTAs are essential tools for engaging your audience — but too often, they’re overlooked. Make sure your buttons and prompts are clear, enticing, and strategically placed to encourage your audience to take the next step.

Optimize for search engines

Implementing SEO best practices keeps Google happy — and that means it’ll send more and better traffic to your site. This includes optimizing meta tags, headers, and content with relevant keywords. And speaking of keeping Google happy…

Develop a content strategy

A well-crafted content strategy positions you as an authority in your field, drives traffic, and encourages conversions. It’ll also make Google love you — which we like.

Your leads aren’t the right fit

Maybe you’ve got the traffic, and you’re getting leads… but the leads you’re getting aren’t your ideal audience. Maybe there’s a mismatch in their values, demographics, or the industries you love working with. Or maybe they don’t have the budget to work with you.

Regardless, you’re spending way too much time on discovery calls that go nowhere, proposals that get declined, or stressful projects that have you pulling your hair out and wondering where you went wrong.

Potential fixes:

Define your ideal client

Get crystal-clear on who your ideal client is. This alignment will help you attract leads that are more in sync with your offerings while turning away those who aren’t such a good fit. (Read this post and download my free ideal client workbook for more on this.)

Update your copy and photography

Curate your messaging and imagery to reflect your target audience, speaking specifically to their needs and use cases.

Revisit how you’re communicating your pricing

The easiest way to avoid uncomfortable conversations about budget is to discuss it early and transparently. Be clear about your pricing (even if it’s something as simple as “starting at…”), and communicate its value so that clients who can afford your rates are ready and excited to get started. This will save you time weeding through less-than-ideal inquiries and set you up for much easier sales conversations.

Refine your contact form

If necessary, update your contact form to include questions that will help filter out poor-fit inquiries early. The most common use here is to have a field around budget ranges, but you can use this in all kinds of creative ways.

Your brand voice/website copy doesn’t feel like a reflection of you

Okay, this is a big one — and something I hear all the time from clients. If you’re struggling to find the words to explain what you do and how you help in a way that feels like you, you’re not alone!

This might show up as feeling embarrassed to send people to your website, or worrying that you’re blending in with your competitors instead of standing out. Maybe you’re unsure how to explain the value of what you do, or you’re struggling to define your brand voice and personality.

All of these are signs that your brand messaging needs some work. Messaging is high-level and strategic, touching every aspect of how your brand shows up in the world. You need to have it nailed down before you start writing website copy, emails and social posts.

👩🏻‍💻 RELATED: Read more about how your message fits into your overall brand strategy here.

Potential fixes:

Dig deep on your brand’s core message

Figuring out how to convey your unique vision, positioning, and personality is the key to being confident in how you stand out and communicate your value… without feeling like you’re a fake or a fraud.

Refresh your website copy to reflect your core message

Once you’ve defined your brand message, the next step is to update your website copy to match. I know it can be tempting to jump straight to this step but trust me, you’ve got to do it in order, or you’ll just find yourself back here again. (It’s why I created the Elevated Brand Blueprint!)

You’re redesigning your brand/website

If you’re about to start a website redesign or a full rebrand, but all you’ve got on the content side is a jumbled-up list of bullet points, hit the brakes.

Updating your brand’s visuals without ensuring the words are aligned is like baking a beautifully intricate cake but forgetting to add sugar. It may look beautiful, but the moment you dig in, it’ll taste off. For a rebrand to deliver deliciously sweet results in the form of new leads and customers, your messaging, imagery, and overall presentation need to be working in harmony from the get-go.

When redesigning your site, aim to have your website copy done BEFORE starting with the pretty stuff. (In fact, a good designer will expect this of you!) Knowing what you want to say, how the information will flow, and how you want to present everything directly impacts the overall layout and design.

If you’re investing time and resources in a visual rebrand, the only way to maximize your ROI is to make sure you have the website copy to match. It’s why I love working with designers, and it’s why every website copy project I do includes a layout or wireframing component.

👩🏻‍💻 RELATED: How to prepare for a brand refresh

Potential fixes:

Get strategic about your structure

Before your designer even picks up their sketchbook, make sure your website is strategically structured to support your goals. This means the overall website architecture (which pages you have and how they’re connected), but it ALSO means the flow of your messaging and sections within each page.

Write your copy first

Words dictate layout, which dictates design. Also, your designer will ask you for the content, and if you’re not ready, you’ll be looking at frustrating and potentially costly delays in your project.

Bring in the experts

There’s a lot that goes into writing a website. Make the most of your branding investment by working with a copywriter who understands your vision and can ensure your website’s words present your beautiful new brand in the best possible light.

Is it time to update your website copy? Here are some ways to get started.

Your website is the backbone of your brand’s digital presence, and it’s essential that you’ve optimized it for success — whatever that looks like in your business. Recognizing the signs that it’s time for an update can save you from missed opportunities and ensure that your brand continues to radiate confidence, build connections, and drive growth.

If you’re already thinking about where to start with your new site, try this post: The 4 most important pages on your website (and what you need to include to make sure they convert).

But, as you’ve seen from this 2,000+ word post, crafting compelling website copy involves a lot of moving parts. If you need support or want to get it off your plate, I’m here to help. There are three ways we can work together:

  • If your core content is done but could use a strategic review and expert polish, a Brand Retreat Day will get it taken care of fast.

  • I’m working on a brand new Website in a Week offering that pulls together your core website pages in (you guessed it!) just seven days. Join the newsletter to get first dibs when it rolls out this summer!

  • Need comprehensive brand messaging + website copywriting support? The Elevated Brand Blueprint is the way to go.

Reach out today to get the ball rolling or book a free discovery call where I can answer any questions and help you decide which option is right for you!

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